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European Council of Associations of Literary Translators


  · Multilinguism is part of Europe's rich cultural heritage.

  · The free circulation of ideas presupposes the free circulation of works of literature. This requires their translation into all the European languages, and at the same time guarantees the survival of those languages.

  · The literary translator is a vital link in the chain that makes the circulation of ideas and works of literature possible.

  CEATL currently brings together 24 associations of literary translators representing 20 European countries. Its main aims are:

  · to promote the quality of the translation of literary works in Europe

  · to work towards improving the social, moral, legal and economic status of the literary translator

To achieve this, CEATL

  · facilitates the ongoing exchange of information between its member associations

  · represents the profession on national and international bodies

  · works with the media to raise the translator's profile and create awareness of the importance of the translator's contribution to cultural life.


The structure of CEATL

  The delegates from the national associations come together once a year at the annual general meeting.

  The CEATL steering committee is made up of at least three elected members who serve for two years. It executes the mandates voted at the Annual General Meeting and undertakes the necessary actions to fulfil CEATL's aims.

  CEATL is a member of the European Writers' Congress (EWC).


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