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Message from Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition

In the night of 22 to 23 August 1791, men and women, torn from Africa and sold into slavery, revolted against the slave system to obtain freedom and independence for Haiti, gained in 1804. The uprising was a turning point in human history, greatly impacting the establishment of universal human rights, for which we are all indebted.


  The courage of these men and women has created obligations for us. UNESCO is marking International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition to pay tribute to all those who fought for freedom, and, in their name, to continue teaching about their story and the values therein. The success of this rebellion, led by the slaves themselves, is a deep source of inspiration today for the fight against all forms of servitude, racism, prejudice, racial discrimination and social injustice that are a legacy of slavery.


  The history of the slave trade and slavery created a storm of rage, cruelty and bitterness that has not yet abated. It is also a story of courage, freedom and pride in newfound freedom. All of humanity is part of this story, in its transgressions and good deeds. It would be a mistake and a crime to cover it up and forget. Through its project The Slave Route, UNESCO intends to find in this collective memory the strength to build a better world and to show the historical and moral connections that unite different peoples. In this same frame of mind, the United Nations proclaimed the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024). UNESCO is contributing to it through its educational, cultural and scientific programmes so as to promote the contribution of people of African descent to building modern societies and ensuring dignity and equality for all human beings, without distinction.




  历史上,发达国家曾实行长达400年的贩卖黑奴制度,由此而演变出的种族主义、种族隔离和殖民主义给许多地区的国家和人民带来了巨大痛苦,其恶果一直延续至今。奴隶制和贩卖黑奴制度的罪恶行径历来遭到世界人民的反对和谴责。英国和美国不得不在1807年宣布禁止奴隶贸易。 18世纪末,大英帝国主宰了大西洋两岸的奴隶贸易。每年有许多奴隶贸易船离开英国的港口,将奴隶贩卖到美洲的种植园。经营奴隶贸易的船上塞满了带着手铐脚镣、饥饿思乡的奴隶。单是英国贩卖的奴隶就达到300万人,其中有1/3在贩运过程中饿死、病死。英国首相布莱尔曾表示,奴隶贩卖“是人类史上羞耻的一段历史”,对于英国在奴隶贸易中制造的痛苦,“英国深表悲哀和遗憾”。虽然布莱尔已经表示歉意,不过宗教界人士指出,英国仍应该做出正式道歉,以增强英国的国际威望。 法国也是西方参与贩卖和奴役黑奴的主要国家之一,从1642年路易十三世国王敕令贩卖黑奴起,奴隶制在法国持续了200多年。1848年4月27日,法国宣布奴隶制是“残害人类尊严”的制度,下令在“法属殖民地和领地废除奴隶制”,从而结束了这段罪恶历史。2001年5月21日,法国制定法律,承认奴隶制度为反人类罪行。2001年9月,在南非德班召开的联合国反种族歧视、反性别歧视大会上通过了法国的这项法令。 为了让人们牢记人类历史上这段丑恶而又悲惨的经历,联合国教科文组织于1997年将8月23日定为“贩卖黑奴及其废除国际纪念日”。

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