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这是从空中俯瞰杭州最文艺的稻田——由浙江大学水稻专家张彬领衔的科研团队用自主研发的五彩水稻秧苗培育成的一个宽逾百米的G20峰会 LOGO和巨大的卡通笑脸图。据说,从现在起到9月峰会召开的时候,是水稻叶片颜色最鲜艳的时候,也是艺术田的最佳观赏期。



  Birth of the G20


  The historical vein of the establishment, development and reform of the modern international financial system runs at all times in close vicinity to crisis response and reaction, risk prevention and system reforms.


  Since the start of the 20th century, especially after the 1929~1933 Great Depression, it has become an increasingly salient trend and prominent rule for crises to create reverse-pressure for reform and, in turn, for reform to create reverse-pressure for systemic reformation.


  The G20 Summit is a novel mechanism for international financial governance that follows the Gold Standard System, the Bretton Woods System, and the G7 Summit as a response to the 2008 international financial crisis.


  The post-WWII international economic system originated at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. The problem to be solved at this conference was how to establish an international monetary system for the post-war world that would maintain the stability of foreign exchange rates, realize currency convertibility, and provide for payment needs in multilateral trades.


  The result of this conference was establishment of the Bretton Woods System that used the US dollar as the single world reserve currency.


  Highlights of the system included anchoring the US dollar to gold, and then anchoring other currencies to the US dollar - thus, setting the relationships between all currencies and gold and solving the problems of fixed foreign exchange rate and currency convertibility.


  The conference resulted in two major international financial institutions – the IMF and the World Bank – to provide short-term loans for bridging any temporary imbalance of international payments and long-term loans for development.


  The system answered, through its form, the question of “how to set up a global monetary management mechanism.” During the years following its establishment, the system solved many practical problems, and, therefore, became the “foundational framework” of the post-war global economic system.


  However, there was a pre-existing deficiency in the system, which was using the currency of a sovereign country as the world reserve currency. This would inevitably lead to a conflict of interests between the issuer country and the global community as a whole. Additionally, the Gold Standard would also be limited by the amount of real gold available.


  As time passed and multiple crises occurred, the Bretton Woods System diverged farther and farther away from the practical needs of the global economy.


  By the spring of 1973, the US had declared the closing of the gold window due to inability to support the fixed rate between gold and the dollar, causing turbulence within the international monetary system.


  It was in October of 1973 when the Fourth Middle East War (also called 1973 Arab-Israeli War in the West) began. Countries in the Middle East proclaimed an oil embargo against the West. Between 1973 and 1974, the Western world saw the most serious economic recession since WWII, with aggravated inflation, a sharp rise in unemployment, and surging trade protectionism. Leaders of the major Western countries rushed to find a way to contain the crisis.


  In November of 1975, a summit meeting was held in Paris, France, attended by the heads of states or governments from six countries (the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy). In 1976, Canada joined the summit and thus the G7 mechanism took form. During the period in history when the G7 countries represented more than 80 percent of the gross world product, the G7 summit functioned as an important mechanism for multilateral coordination of macro-economic, monetary and financial policies.


  However, the G7 mechanism represented only the Western countries. With the ascent of developing countries and emerging markets, there was an increasingly urgent need for a global economic governance mechanism that covered a wider geographical area and was more representative.


  The financial crisis that erupted in 2008 was a major blow to all Western countries, forcing them to seek support from developing countries and the emerging market countries to handle crisis.


In November of 2008, the first G20 summit meeting took place, marking the birth of the premier forum for economic and financial governance in today’s world. In 2016, China will be the hosing country of the G20 Summit, ushering in a new period of history when China is to lead in the setting of the global governance agenda.


 历史脉络        historical vein

  基本框架        foundational framework

  管理机制        management mechanism

  通货膨胀        inflation

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