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The 12th Symposium on Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis



Theme: Appliable Discourse Analysis



Plenary Speeches




9:00-10:00 Professor Chang Chenguang (SYSU): Systemic Functional Linguistics and discourse analysis
10:20-11:50 Professor Eija Ventola (Aalto University): Discourse analytical, multimodal and cultural issues: examples from traditional and multimodal internet advertising
3:00-4:15 Professor Wendy Bowcher (SYSU): Context of Situation in Systemic Functional Linguistics
4:30-5:30 Professor Huang Guowen (SYSU): Searching for Metafunctional Equivalence in translation studies



Date: Monday 29 September 2014

Venue: Room 210, School of Foreign Languages, SYSU (Guangzhou)

Organizer: Faculty of Foreign Languages and International Studies, SYSU


All are welcome!


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